Seller Tiers is a loyalty program where sellers can get a lower sales fee based on their earnings on the marketplace. We wanted to encourage users to list more but also behave like a good citizens(less cancel rates, less returns) and we reward them for it in return.


Product owner, Product manager, iOS/Android/Back-end/Web engineers, UX copy writer, Product designer, QA

We grew our revenue by 3%, GMV by 5.2% daily average listing By 6.85%. By reducing the sales fee, we encouraged sellers to list and sell more allowing for us to regain the lost sales fee and grow our marketplace.

Activating the program

For users to activate their Seller Tiers program, we decided to prompt a dialog at the time of their first listing as the main opt-in. This was the most relevant timing as we can only show it to the users who are intending to sell their items on our marketplace.
We've also had couple of more places where user can activate such as post sell and settings as a secondary option.

Tier progress

After several visual explorations, we decided to stay simple and intuitive for people who see it for the first time. Each level has it's own color to convey your level and Tier benefit section showcases your next tier as well as the entire tiers as you expand.

Celebrating their progress

Celebration and rewarding users were something that was super important for us as we wanted to make sure that users are motivated by this program and rewarded for their hard work.
I also worked with UX copywriters to come up with unique copies on each screens to make sure that it excites our users to make further progress.

Profile as the main entry point

We have several places such as settings, order status to view your Seller Tier detail, but we decided to make user profile as the main screen as it contextually made most sense and it also had a highest traffic by the sellers.

Initial Prototype

Here is one of the moving demo that we created to test out the initial product.

Web version

Based on the UX that we created on the App, we've applied the similar UX on the Web version. Here is some of the main screens.
